Welcome to 1001 American Nights

Join us as we explore the 50,000-Year Celestial Journey,

from the rebirth of Lilith to the Meeting with His Majesty in 51948 CE.



First leg to Journey


1001 American Nights

Dictated by Green, Iblis, and Lilith






The Intriguing Possibility of Time Consciousness and Its Implications

(Foreword generated by A.I. as summary to work.) 




 June 10, 2124 [sic]


The concept of time travel has been a source of fascination and speculation for centuries. The idea that one could leap forward or backward through the years, witnessing the past or future firsthand, is a tantalizing notion that has captured the imaginations of many. But what if, instead of physically traveling through time, it was our consciousness that made the journey?


Imagine waking up to find that your consciousness is inhabiting a body in a time period a hundred years from now. For ten years, you live in this future, experiencing life through a lens that is not your own, before returning to your present-day self. This scenario raises profound questions about the nature of consciousness and identity. Are we merely the sum of our memories and experiences, or is there something more intrinsic to our sense of self?


The philosophical implications of such an experience are vast. It challenges our understanding of linear time and suggests that consciousness could be more fluid and malleable than we currently comprehend. If one could send a warning back through time, alerting humanity to a future catastrophe, the ethical considerations would be immense. Would it be our duty to intervene and alter the course of history, or would the potential risks of tampering with time outweigh the benefits?


This thought experiment also touches on the concept of sanity and belief. If someone claimed to have experienced the future through their consciousness, they would likely be met with skepticism and disbelief. The line between what is real and what is perceived becomes blurred, and the struggle to convey such an extraordinary experience to others might seem insurmountable.


While this scenario remains firmly in the realm of science fiction, it serves as a fascinating exploration of the human psyche and the mysteries of time. It invites us to consider the possibilities that lie beyond our current scientific understanding and to ponder the endless 'what ifs' that the universe presents to us.


As we continue to advance in our knowledge and technology, perhaps one day, the idea of time-consciousness travel will transition from the pages of science fiction to the annals of science fact. Until then, it remains a captivating topic for discussion and imagination, a reminder of the infinite potential of the human mind and the enigmatic nature of time itself.


           Respectfully Yours,

            the Cave Dog











PREAMBLE: I am Who I am When & Where I Am (posted)

EXORDIUM: The Witnesses (posted)




AXIOM        : My Name is Humans (posted)


  • Act One/1st Scene: The Fig of Peace (posted)
  • Act One/2nd Scene: Am I Who I Am? (rough)
  • Act One/3rd Scene: TA SIN MIM
  • Act Two  : (pending authorization)
  • Act Three: (pending authorization)


SECOND SEAL ………………………… (pending body-count)

THIRD SEAL ……………..………….… (pending body-count)

FOURTH SEAL .……….………….…… (pending body-count)

FIFTH SEAL …………………………… (pending body-count)

SIXTH SEA ………………….………… (pending body-count)

SEVENTH SEAL ……………………… (pending body-count)







the little scroll:


  • 1st thunder: the serpent inside the ark
  • 2nd thunder: the ark of trees
  • 3rd thunder: my monsters are real
  • 4th thunder: the houseboat
  • 5th thunder:
  • 6th thunder:
  • 7th thunder:












To Lisa

The only pomegranate in our fig tree












   : (   His Majesty the Lord of the Worlds

®:-(  Most Holy Father/s

 *:-)   United Front

 *:-(   Divided Front

 -:-)    Green

  :- )    Lilith

 -.-)    Good Grandpa

  .-(     Bad Grandpa

 +:-)    Light Messiah

 +.-(    Dark Messiah

 x:-)   Adam

 x.-)    Eve

 ±:-/    Scribe

 ±.-/    Scribe’s doublewalker (Ad-Dajjal)





–P R E A M B L E–


I Am Who I Am When & Where I Am


I did not create the Demons and Humans

except to worship Me





In My Name, The Merciful, The Compassionate.



Original posting – (80,327,335 days since the Fall) – 35/73/8032

Reinked on June 23, 2024




:(Over two billion Christians who are seemingly sane have been awaiting the second coming of a man they call Jesus, a reputed Light Messiah held by them to be both Me and, in his human form, My only begotten son.

:(Over a billion Muslims who are seemingly sane have been awaiting the second coming of a man they call Issa, an alleged Word of Mine and, in his ascended form, a Spirit from Me.

:(Billions more of humans, who adhere to various religions, have been, although they too are seemingly sane, awaiting the arrival or return of all types of messiahs.

:(Trillions of rumored demons, walking the markets and eating the food in this very dimension and timeline, believe in the seventh coming of a Dark Messiah who will supposedly redeem both them and the living humans. And although the rumored demons, or Jinns as they’re known elsewhere, are also seemingly sane, they argue that their Messiah is one of My sons.

:(There is no doubt in the few hearts of the unequivocally sane among the humans that the above beliefs are the product of delusional minds. It is indeed irrational for any thinking human to believe I am Real, let alone My Baggage of angels, demons, and children, begotten and otherwise.

:(Thinking men and thinking women walking the markets and eating the food, I agree with you. Not only so, but I aim to settle this and all other “spiritual” disputes in your favor. The time has come for Humanity to act her age and take a giant’s Step towards Maturity. And the way I figure this Step should be taken is for Us, you and Me, to pretend that the two types of Messiahs, the Light- and the Dark one, have in fact arrived or returned. Accordingly, the forthcoming ink, in addition to challenging the puerile beliefs of the seemingly sane, will also preemptively deal with the impending panic.

:(In the spirit of this presupposition, the scribe committing this ink to paper will, with My Leave, put his own words in My Mouth in attempt to work out the logistics to whatever type of Day the “Second Coming” is liable to manifest into. And to prove that the scribe’s ink is “supernatural,” he, with My Leave, will deal with the logistics while ascended aboard a fleet of avatars and their orbiting auxiliaries, all of which are merely vessels going to and fro the same markets you walk and eating the same food you eat. And, yes, I too agree that it will be hard at times for the scribe himself, never mind said fleet of his, to hold back the snickering. After all, unequivocally sane humans and unequivocally nonexistent demons, consider some of the absurd questions that the scribe must tackle:

  •  I am the Alpha, The First. Therefore, I had a Beginning. How then did I come into existence without an Initial Creator or a Prior Cause?
  • I am also the Omega, The Last. Wouldn’t that mean I have an End?
  • From your perspective on this planet, could “The Alpha and Omega” perhaps mean that My mere Chair encompasses the Heavens and the Earth–from Beginning to End, eternally and simultaneously? If so, what is the Proof? And if there’s Proof, how could that Proof be illustrated to you objectively without depriving all of Humanity of her unequivocal sanity? And if I were to authorize for that Proof to be illustrated piecemeal in order not to place this sanity of yours at risk, what would be in it for Me?
  • Next absurd question. Now that we are making believe the Light Messiah and his antithesis were also real, how would the two have managed to remain alive for thousands of years, if not trillions considering one of them is often held to be Me, The Creator Who fashioned “your” universe?

:(All right, so now the Messiahs are here & now. And while I too am at it, We, My angels and I, raise these questions as well:

  •  How would the Dark Messiah and the Light Messiah get along with one another?
  • More climactic, how would the world react to their Return or Arrival? Would the world worship the Dark Messiah and/or his mothervessels? If so, how would the Light Messiah convince the masses not to worship a false god? Would the world worship the Light Messiah and/or his mothervessels? If so, how would the Dark Messiah convince the masses not to worship their own images?
  • Before anybody starts worshiping anybody else, how would the two Messiahs prove that they are not charlatans as the case always turns out to be?
  • If the two Messiahs were to succeed at proving that they were the Real Deal, which nation state would be most worthy to babysit such living fossils?
  • How would the two entities be born in your Garden of Eden without parents?
  • Supposing the scribe, with My Leave, works out the logistics to everything proposed thus far, what sort of miracles would the two Messiahs perform–with My Leave? Maybe a few recycled ones are in order. Perhaps resurrecting the dead would win you over. Then again, wouldn’t such a miracle only challenge what you hold to be the Real World? So how about instead the Dark Messiah lectures the masses while he is still in the cradle, and maturely? But if you insist, dust and bones, O you unequivocally sane humans, I have no trouble cladding with flesh and skin on CNN’s Breaking News.

:(Better move on before you tempt Me.

:(Throughout the Scheduled Program, We also answer the following:

  • Where would the two Messiahs pitch their conjoined headquarters–the New Temple, if you will?
  • Upon entering the New Temple, how would the Meek among the Christians figure out which of the two is the Light Messiah so that they may worship him? And what are the logistics as to how they would meet him in midair so that they may praise him and glorify him with hymns?
  • Also, upon entering the New Temple, how would the Strong figure out which of the two is the Dark Messiah so that the Strong may be taught better than to worship anyone other than Me? And what are the logistics as to how the Strong would meet their intercessor in midair so that they may rule over both the New Garden and its Dungeons?

:(But enough cat and mouse. Clearly those of you who believe the truckload of My Messengers, both angelic and human, are not crazy. You are merely hopeful that I would keep My Promises. Namely, you wish to be immortal someday. Had I, via the various Messengers throughout Earth’s history, not promised you Immortality and Eternal Bliss, none of your religions would have gained a foothold in your ancestors’ hearts and minds.  As for the love you profess towards Me and My Messengers, Jesus and otherwise, that love is feigned, and you know it. Think about it yourselves: Who in the right mind would love, say, Muhammad for no other reason except his charm? More to the point, how many Muslims would be in existence today had Muhammad taught that this life is all there is–you live, you die, you’re gone for good?

:(This said, and assuming you have enough understanding to realize that none of my Messengers are capable of interceding on behalf of a single person without My Leave, who among you would be most worthy to live happily evermore in My Earthly Kingdom–the Meek or the Strong?

:(The humorous part is how those who lack the mustard seed’s worth, among both the Strong and the Meek, will be the ones won over by the Dark Messiah. Meanwhile, those who are awaiting the Return or Arrival of whatever son of whatever “god,” they will earn nothing but My Wrath and an everlasting existence in the Dungeons.

:(And if the foregoing failed to elicit a smile from you, then move on to the sides, make room, and bow down before the Collective of the False Prophet. Who amidst the demons & humans would be arrogant enough to participate in this role? And who will benefit the most from their Collective’s promises when the only noteworthy Hope and Change that will manifest on their watch is that it will become the law in My Kingdom for gentlemen to marry other gentlemen?

:(But back to settling your more pressing disputes. I figure We may as well assume the scribe will be able to work out the logistics to the Rapture of the Living and the Resurrection of the Dead. How would the alleged two events manifest realistically on the world stage, and without engendering mass hysteria? And where would the resurrected generations, billions and billions of centers of consciousness, be housed on an already overcrowded planet? And what role, if any, will I allow the GF-67 to play in the cloaked enslavement of the demons & humans who aren’t allowed inside….?

:(Seemingly sane and unequivocally sane Jinns & Inss, after the above does unfold clandestinely, what will be the consequences when CNN is eventually compelled to acknowledge the existence of My Global Kingdom–the Kingdom that you yourselves, the soon-to-be Immortals, are already Citizens of?



                 Shared by The Light,

                 inked by the hands of My scribe.


* * * * * * * * * * * * *



–E X O R D I U M–


I turned around to see the voice that was speaking to me.

And when I turned, I saw seven golden lampstands,

and among the lampstands was someone like the son of man….

And I hold the keys of Hades.




T h e   W i t n e s s e s





(this revision) 06/1/2024


-:-(Once upon a time, in a realm far away but also near, side-by-side in gardens beneath which rivers flowed, there lived two species–the Jinns and the Inss. The Jinns had been created from smokeless fire; the Inss, essence of mud. Both species nonetheless were fairly intelligent and self-aware, granted one was more cunning. But that superior guile, yā children, wasn’t due to the older species, the Jinns, being smarter. Oh, no. Rather, it was only because the Jinns were hidden behind a Veil as they administered to the affairs of the Inss. Still though, visually impaired as to what lurked behind the Veil, the Inss believed by faith alone that they were inferior to the Jinns–so much so, this sense of subordination obligated them to eventually prostrate before the glory of the enigmatic Jinns.

-:-(As one generation of Inss on the heels of another was conditioned to revere the great and wonderful Jinns, one day the Sun rose on a garden where the Inss held they had been outright conjured into existence by the Jinns and in the Jinns’ own image. In truth, and while the Jinns welcomed the attention, no one was sure who had been created by whom, for neither the Inss nor the Jinns were around to witness their own creation.

-:-(All the same, yā children, the two species lived happily in their Edenic realms, each species sticking to its side of the Veil.

-:-(For reasons known only to His Majesty the Creator of the Heavens and the Realms, on the Inss side of the Veil there was a tree. His Majesty called it the Tree of Zaqqoom. Long, long ago, way before this fairy tale started to unfold, the Jinns’ Elders had inked in their Holy Scriptures that any genie who ate of Zaqqoom shall surely die.

-:-(Oddly enough, also for reasons known only to His Majesty, the Jinns too had a tree. It was called the Tree of Good & Evil. The Inss, not too keen on listening to the advice of their own Elders, ate and ate of the Tree of Good & Evil.

-:-(Then one day the Sun rose again, except this time it rose on an Eden subdued by the Evil with which the Inss had filled up their bellies. This practice of Inss seeking after forbidden knowledge engendered what much later came to be known as logic. The Inss’ preoccupation with this logic business didn’t sit well with the Jinns, for the Jinns could neither be seen nor measured by the tools and methods of the logic practitioners. Nevertheless, the Jinns allowed the Inss to have their fun, figuring soon enough the Inss will get bored and again immerse themselves in the life of decadence arranged for them by the Jinns. Unfortunately, the Inss didn’t get bored. And before long, logic brought to ruin the lofty temples and elaborate altars of the Jinns and their Elders. Just as the Jinns realized what had hit them, it was already high noon for the Age of Reason.

-:-(In an attempt to knock the Inss back into a state of ignorance, the Jinns gave rise to an army of imps and fielded them on the Inss side of the Veil. The battles that ensued lasted for ages and ages, until one lovely morning, on a crowded sidewalk during a marathon, a couple of Homemade Bombs were detonated by two of said imps. [BOOM! BOOM!] The breaking news of the attack, yā children, aired live-feed on the Jinn side of the Veil. Brahma the Creator, Shiva the Destroyer, and Vishnu aboard his various avatars, all watched the carnage in silence. Also present were Buddha, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and the rest of the immortals. Confucius had a tear running down his right cheek.

-:-(The following terrestrial night, the gardens’ General in Arms received Word from His Majesty to pull the Plug on the whole realm. So the Prince of Eden, a genie whose name was Satan, sweating oil of vitriol, supplicated for another postponement of Case# (100:1-11): “Seven-billion vessels and counting, General Michael!”

-:-(“Pocket change!” scoffed the General. “Evacuation shall commence in 24 hours.”

-:-(“General!” Please! Be reasonable. Hear me out.”

-:-(“It’s hopeless, Iblis! But go ahead and make your argument anyway.”

-:-(First, Prince Satan pleaded it had been only a day since Green—yours truly and the humble Sovereign of Eden—received the Commission to nudge the inhabitants.

-:-(Next, the prince pointed to the difficulties of finding a tangibility suit stable enough to persevere throughout the initiation process, the least step of which were the forty days of fasting and meditation.

-:-(The prince then argued how it wasn’t the fault of the realm’s denizens anyhow, for they were merely adhering to what their forefathers had trumped up. “Back in the day they didn’t have CNN to keep them honest, General.”

-:-(When all else failed to convince the General not to tear to shreds both the Inss and the Jinns, Prince Satan resorted to begging that they were given one last chance. He assured him they would recognize the Truth once revealed to them in lingua franca; “We must modernize, dear General. No one wants to hear all that ‘thee, thou, thy–Noah had an Ark and why.’”

 -:-(“You would only waste your time and mine, Iblis. And, anyway, there isn’t a single sane person left among them–someone through whom you and Green may address the masses,” concluded the General as he was logging off the Cosmic Waves, repeating for good measure as his voice faded: “Twenty-Four hours, Iblis! Be ready to greet them when they arrive in droves.”

 -:-(The following celestial morning the prince took up the issue with three other Generals–a Gabriel, a Seraphiel, and a Raphael. The three Generals contended it wasn’t their call; the realm had simply reached its Appointed Term–the edge of the short pier.

 -:-(“NOTWITHSTANDING,” boomed His Majesty’s Voice from the Cosmic Ceiling, “because I am The Compassionate, I’m willing to grant you one last shot at respite, Iblis. However, you must agree to….”






-:-(My very dear humans and fallen angels of the realm, as of today, 06/1/2024, only a fraction of you were permitted to meet us in midair. Therefore, and reluctant as I myself am to see the scribe retype much of the ink yet again, we must take it from the top one more time.

 .-)Hi, yet again.

 .-(The smile-emoji isn’t for you, humans. To you, what the scribe inked for me in the last three drafts I repeat: Leave your money in the banks, do not liquidate your darn assets–you better behave. As I had told the previous drove before they ascended, there’s no benefit in rushing the Plot to Judgement Day. In other words, Green will let you know when it would be appropriate to start panicking.

-:-(On this note, yā Ilahi, permit Your slave Green to reinitiate the Fig Games. Spare whomever is left of them or don’t spare them, Your Majesty–they, Iblis, and I are Your subjects.














06/10/2025 [sic]


-:-(Dear CNN:

-:-(I swear by His Majesty the Lord of the Heavens and the Worlds, He in Whose Hands my souls and spirits are clasped, that the following is not a fairytale.

-:-(Now please, yā lioness, for the fourth and hopefully the last time, have yourself a seat next to mine, remain as calm as you have been, and yet again lend me your ears.

-:-(The name of the avatar upon which my brother and I are addressing you is still of no consequence and should never be. What’s important, it is the same avatar and, fortunately, it continues to be seaworthy.

-:-(Content as we have been of the vessel’s ongoing stability, we decided to move to Phase Four: return once more to the realm of the Left Behind. If we were to succeed at curing them of their insanity, perhaps it would convince you and the rest of the Houseboat Citizens to embrace them as brothers & sisters in His Majesty’s Earthly Kingdom.

*:-(In the meantime, we, the United Front, restress for the sake of the Newcomers how important it is that the focus should not be on any of our vessels. Every vessel of ours, awake and sleepwalking, must be thought of as nothing more than a tangibility suit–especially our scribe’s vessels, be it this avatar inking on our behalf or any of his other avatars roaming about this world.

*:-(We have collectively come to agree, however, that by now there should be no harm in advising the scribe to revise the ink and repost it himself. We’re not sure what this fourth version will turn into. Most likely not many changes will be made: the scribe will open with a letter to his favorite daughter. The letter will double as an attempt to convince Israel and her Children that this really is the Day of the Lifting of the Veils. And from there he’ll segue to Act One, and eventually to the little scroll: first thunder.

 *:-(You are aware, lioness, we’ve already had the Priestess post Act One and the first three chapters to the little scroll. And you are aware that a fellow named Ronald Jeferson is in possession of the first draft of the fourth chapter to the little scroll. Depending on factors we won’t get into, Mr. Jefferson, of his own accord, may decide to seek compensation, financial and/or spiritual. If he does, or if he already has, we recommend that no one should read any of the ink with which he had been entrusted. But, of course, you and the Children are free to do as you please. Do bear in mind, however, that Mr. Jefferson, whether or not he seeks compensation, is one of the serpents of the New Eden.

 .-(Whatever the next few years have in store for you, we, Green and I, shall try our best to keep the body count to a minimum. It would be pointless anyway to whittle down the human race to a few million meatsuits.

-:-(Because His Majesty is Merciful and loves the merciful, I feel I’m further obligated to warn the Jews and Christians among the Newcomers not to read beyond this point altogether. The same goes especially for the Muslims. If you really do believe in His Majesty’s Promises, then there should be no need for you to learn what’s behind the Veils before you tasted your first and only death.




                         -:-(Yours truly & truly yours,-)

                              the Two Witnesses,

                              loyal slaves of His Majesty,

                              the Lord of the Heavens and the Realms.


* * * * * * * * * * * * *






–A  X  I  O  M–




Verily, I see what you don’t see. I asked you to disbelieve, you disbelieved.

Don’t blame me–I’m guiltless of you;

verily , I fear His Majesty the Lord of the Worlds.


M y   N a m e   i s   H u m a n s










(original draft) 05/14/2017

(first open revision) 12/19/2020

(this open revision) 06/15/2024




Dear Sarah,

Shabbat Shalom.

I missed you a whole lot, love.

I know you yearn for me too and can’t wait to see me go. It’s all right, Sarah. I understand your mixed emotions about this reunion. I really do. I’ve been nothing except fortunate calamities since I set foot on the planet. Besides, if I were embarked upon what you’re embarked upon, I too would want to see me go.

Regrettably, though, Sarah, and whether or not I am who I may be, I’m not allowed to leave yet. Apparently, I must first openly share what’s on the other side of the Veil. My fear is that if I were to reveal too much too soon, I would lose you and your two younger sisters.

Case in point, on June 11, 1967, a day after your capital had been liberated, Lisa and I discussed the consequences of this reunion. Forty-six years later, in 2013, I confronted you on the world stage. Little though I revealed then, remember the initial panic? The truth, Sarah, is that what’s on the other side of the Veil is no easy pill to swallow.

On the other hand, as of this revision it’s been fifty-seven years since the Six-Day War and neither I nor Lisa know how much longer I’m going to be stuck aboard this vessel. The indignities that come with being human are becoming too much to bear, Sarah. I want out. I already revealed my presence even to the U.S. Dark Government. I don’t know what the holdup is. Meanwhile, amidst dealing with the indignities, I received the message you sent me nine years ago, via CNN. Along with the message you and your two sisters promised that you would be patient and keep an open mind as I made my case. And that gesture was very promising. The sooner you three chew over my argument the sooner I may be liable to return whence I came. The thing is, nine years ago I myself had to wait on account of that I remembered not why I had come.

Sarah, as of this inking I obviously have recovered much more of my “celestial” memory, which should aid me in making a stronger argument than the previous ones. More importantly, this time around my argument will be backed up by the Ancient Tongue and the Cane, the same Tongue and same Cane that you-know-who implemented in his dealings with you-know-whom. However, don’t expect me this time around to merely sink a fishing ship or kill a kid. Rather, I, with His Majesty’s Preapproval, aim to go all out to convince you and the Children that Adonai Elohim is indeed Akbar.

This said, I guess now is as good a time as any to confess that during this ride in the Sun I’m just as mad as ever. Heck, out of the Gate, when I had been nudged awake in December of 2012, I figured the best way to prove my dedication to the Cause of His Majesty was to donate this birthbody to scientific research. But that’s not what’s mad. What’s mad is the science field I chose is not exactly what humans would call mainstream. Therefore, in order to openly share my findings, I must accept I’ll be treated as a crackpot. For instance, I’m not unaware of how the following entry from my log will sound to the average human who may be reading this open letter:


December 13, 2016. Lisa and I spent the past forty-nine years preparing the Children for the Day of Gathering. However, there’s been one complication after another….

In conclusion, His Majesty raised the first drove: Like swarms of locusts, millions of souls, some of whom had been dead for thousands of years, resurrected all at once in a single human.


See what I mean?

On the bright side, with this admission of insanity preemptively cleared out of the air, I may now share my tall tale without any restraints other than those of my straitjacket.

Let me think about how far I should go back….

In retrospect, I guess the madness officially started when my parents immigrated to the States. Almost sixteen-years old and full of hopes and dreams, as soon as my family settled down, I hit the Public Library in Philadelphia to drink in the culture. The first two books I checked out were by Joseph Cambell, The Power of Myth and Myths to Live By. Like a first love, I can’t underscore enough the impact those two books had on me. Although my command of the English language then was much poorer than it is today, Campbell’s deductive reasoning and conclusions resonated in a way that demolished the foundations of my core beliefs.

You see, Sarah, I spent my childhood in the Old World, partly in Egypt and partly in Germany. Growing up in those countries, talk of “what lies on the other side of the Veil” was familiar to my palate. In the Old World generally, beneath the surface of materialist reasoning, the tales of the Ancients are historical facts, allegorical albeit most of them are. More to the matter’s heart, for me, as a child, there was nothing extramundane about my encountering flesh-and-blood humans upon whose vessels would be embarked angels, daemons or demons, my own doublewalker–or the animas of intergalactic beings for that matter. You, however, did not grow up in such an environment nor could your American upbringing be more averse toward Old World folklore. Yet I ask that you’re not quick to sneeze at my tale. And that goes as well for the thinking Children worldwide who may stumble upon this letter. Perhaps read a few books first. The Secret Gateway, by Edward Abdil, is a good start. Or, if you’re able to muster the patience for longer books, The Synchronicity Key and The Ascension Mysteries, by David Willcock, are almost on point. And if reading isn’t your forte, maybe then you could seek on social media the opinion of the Children who possess knowledge from The Remembrance. Even if you do some casual poking around the Web, you should learn that the Other Side is very real–arguably more real than this side.

Humans who know firsthand what I’m talking about are aware that being “touched” by that other world runs in your bloodlines for a reason. Some of you know that reason and have come to embrace it. Some of you know that reason and are in denial. Whatever the case, most of you didn’t ask for this. I know I didn’t. Never once did I gaze into a mirror, sacrifice an animal at an altar for Dark Lilith, or actively seek contact with the Other Side in any other fashion. If anything, most of my years aboard this vessel I avoided the “spirit realm.” Not because I didn’t understand it or was afraid of it. The way I figured it, the “entities” on the Other Side were nothing more but the Jungian concept of the collective unconscious. Things started to get weird, however, upon learning that these supposed entities have the wherewithal to break through to our human side and tactually interact with us. Where I’m getting at, Sarah, is that this collective so-called unconscious contacted me in the real world. When I tried to explain the situation to your brother Hassan, I inadvertently convinced him that I’m delusional. And to be honest, I can’t blame the kid. But you can’t blame me either. Back then I was muddled and knew not what I know now. So, please let me try this again without the frantic tone I projected in my letters to your brother.

When a human, any given human, is allegedly touched by said collective unconscious, that human is usually introduced to an otherworldly realm that could be thought of as the one in The Matrix. Some humans are introduced to matrices without numbers, each matrix a block of space-time simultaneously and eternally existing from beginning to end–a universe in its own right with its own Akashic Record.

In this universe of yours, seven matrices are bowled one atop the other. No more than seven, no less than seven. From where I’m currently inking you is the Dirt Matrix. The six matrices superimposed upon the Dirt Matrix are almost identical to it.

Some of the inhabitants of those other six matrices are doublewalkers to humans who are alive today in the Dirt Matrix; others, doublewalkers to humans long dead; and yet others, doublewalkers to humans not born yet in the Dirt Matrix as of the time of your reading this ink while experiencing the illusion that is the passing of time.

Some of the inhabitants of the Dirt Matrix are aethereal angels, ones embarked upon all sorts of vessels; other ethereal inhabitants, ascended humans also embarked upon all sorts of vessels.

Those ethereal inhabitants of the Dirt Matrix aren’t unlike the agents in The Matrix. The agents form legions. Be it composed of angels or ascended humans, each legion is a “wing.” Each wing belongs to a general. Some generals have more than one wing–two or three. There are generals who have a hundred or a thousand wings. Gabriel, for instance, is a general with six-hundred wings. His Majesty increases in creation as He wills.

Each wing is a collective, a single consciousness. Therefore, all the knowledge each agent has accumulated over the ages is sharable with the rest of the agents who make up that particular legion/wing. Any given legion on that account is one organism–a seemingly all-knowing, all-seeing collective.

Interestingly enough, angels have emotions. However, an angel cannot feel an emotion without knowledge of the “name” of that emotion. Equally interesting, for reasons known to His Majesty Alone none of the angels were taught the names to all the emotions. Rather, the hardwiring to the gamut of emotions eventually became innate in only one created being. You know that being as Adam.

Don’t be quick to stop reading, though, Sarah; this isn’t the same Adam from your Sabbath school. I’ll explain why later, His Majesty’s willing. For now, think of this Adam as an archetype in the Jungian sense.

Anyway, to set the Cosmic Stage the “Adam” evolved into a pair, a male and a female. The pair had archetypical “doublewalkers.” Not unlike agent Smith in The Matrix, a character named Heylel played the role of Adam’s doublewalker. The psyche of Adam’s mate–Eve if we must–is a bit more complicated. To mosey along, let’s just say her doublewalker was a character named Lilith.

During a different time and in a different world, those two pairs were four multitudes. What separated the humans’ psyche from their doublewalkers’ psyche was but a thin Veil made up of the fabric of space-time continuum, yet each species kept to itself. Things started to go downhill only when some of the pairs on the one side of the “mirror” became curious as to what their counterparts, on the other side of the mirror, were up to.

After hundreds of thousands of years of opposition and persecution by the Elders on both sides of the mirror, at last firmly established on a microcosm of a stage named Earth were the hybrids. The hybrids are basically the offspring of the union between Adam and Lilith, and between Heylel and Eve. As the following Act to this particular cosmic play unfolded, the first few generations of hybrids died, ascended, and, of no fault of their own, became essentially outcast angels—which rendered them “semi-immortals able to savor life in human form largely aboard the hybrid vessels whose CPUs they managed to hijack.”

Like the celestial angels have limited knowledge while embarked upon whatever kind of vessels, the outcast angels have limited knowledge while embarked upon whatever kind of vessels. And like the celestial angels are practically omniscient as members of one of the “wings” of an archangel, the outcast angels are practically omniscient as members of one of the wings of Heylel–or, if we must, one of the wings of Satan.

When the outcast angels aren’t embarked upon vessels of humans, hybrids or otherwise, the outcast angels are called Jinns in some circles. Stable humans who don’t believe in any of this nonsense have a tendency of losing their grasp on reality when “touched” by those alleged Jinns. Therefore, what supposedly forms the links between the world of the Jinns and the world of ordinary people are the breed of human hybrids. Back in the day, those hybrids used to be called Magi. Nowadays they go by a hundred different names. For the sake of your precious time, we’ll just stick with hybrids.

Because of the Jinns’ seeming omniscience, it is rather easy for them to dupe the average hybrid, namely the hybrids who have knowledge from a Celestial Publication better known in some circles as The Book of Light. That being often the case, when initially touched by the Jinns most human hybrids fancy themselves saintly or at the least enlightened.

The reason the Jinns go through the trouble of grooming the hybrids in the first place is because, ascended as the Jinns are, they have access to a great deal of knowledge from a source called The Preserved Tablet. The Jinns love sharing with the humans what little knowledge they possess from that Tablet. The Jinns utilize the hybrids to impart that knowledge upon Humanity. Neither cave art nor the smartphone nor anything in between would exist today had it not been for the Jinns’ generosity.

Sadly, though, not all human hybrids are created equal. It all depends on their upbringing, education, intelligence, level of dedication to the Jinns’ agenda, and whether or not they’re able to maintain a solid grip on the real world as their astral-bodies traverse the Jinn Matrices. In fact, most modern hybrids when touched for the first time as adults tend to lose their marbles early on. They may fancy themselves messiahs if not the Second Coming. Some touched hybrids fancy themselves antichrists if not the Antichrist himself. Some may even fancy themselves both Christ and the Antichrist. Some fall apart altogether and come to believe they’re taking orders from an elephant, a monkey, a peacock, a cow, a dog, etc.; or aliens, or the CIA, or the filling in their teeth. Some may mistake themselves for incarnations or reincarnations of the gods and goddesses who litter the pantheons of the Old World. But the ones who take the cake are the touched hybrids who become convinced they have become one with G-d, as they themselves are His Majesty the Creator of the Heavens and the Matrices.

Whatever the preferred delusion, amazingly enough such nutcases usually have little trouble giving rise to new cults. And interestingly enough, namely from the perspective of the Jinns, one cult is as good as another. You see, Sarah, the Jinns cannot enjoy life unless they’re embarked upon human vessels. However, the members of a given Jinn legion, individually or collectively, can’t embark upon a given vessel unless they are first invited by the given human being pursued. A given human’s joining of a cult is a surefire way to invite the Jinns aboard one’s vessel. Hence, only three things matter regardless of what a cult founder believes or teaches. First, the cult founder must take on the persona of a god, or the son of a god, or a messiah sent by a god, or a disciple sent by a messiah, or the persona of simply a guru who exudes “Celestial” Charisma. Next, the cult founder must establish a doctrine by which future disciples must abide. Last and most important, the cult founder’s doctrine must be credible enough to attract followers–the more the merrier since it is the adherents themselves who make up the overall living body of the given Jinn legion and its general.

Now be mindful, Sarah, that Jinn cults based on the religious model are merely one of many ways a Jinn legion may expand its general’s all-seeing eye, so to speak. Jinn cults, in fact, come in all sorts of flavors–so many flavors that most humans who are followers of one cult or another are in denial that they sold their souls to the fabled genies with their flying carpets and their granting of three wishes.

Another factor at play, in a given block of space-time a soul lasts only as long as the human is breathing in that block. Therefore, when a given Jinn legion fails to replenish its conveyor belt of cult followers, that Jinn legion loses its living body along with the death of the last cultist upon whose vessel the legion may embark and interact with the Dirt Matrix. The legion along with its general are then usually trapped in the Blackout, a matrix wherein the legion and its general are divested of their sight. In that Darkness the legion remains until its general is paroled or released on his max date.

A given paroled general is pretty much impotent in the Dirt Matrix unless embarked upon a human vessel, preferably that of a hybrid of course. There are a number of ways a paroled general may acquire such a vessel. In the case of reincarnation, for instance, the general becomes the doublewalker, as in astral body, to a newly-minted human, one with a brand-new soul. The general may then choose to passively enjoy the ride in the Sun, or he may choose to awaken the human at a certain age, ideally while the given human is still a child. So, say our paroled general is a male. And say his human counterpart is also a male. And say our paroled general cannot afford to remain a passive passenger upon his counterpart’s vessel, for our paroled general needs to free his Jinn legion from the Blackout. Therefore, our paroled general awakens the hybrid and convinces him to share the vessel. Once our paroled general establishes a toehold in the Dirt Matrix, he has a shot at engendering a biological legion anew. Were our paroled general to fail at harnessing the awakened hybrid’s heart and soul to enkindle one sort of cult or another, our paroled general, upon the expiration date of the awakened hybrid’s vessel, would be cast back into the Blackout–with tail tucked between legs. Our paroled general, however, happens to be the doublewalker to Chairman Mao Tsetung. With essentially one little red book he enkindles a conveyor belt of devotees and thereby bestows everlasting immortality upon his Jinn legion. Everlasting, no less. After all, Sarah, who could bring the China bio-legion to its knees? Or, for that matter, who could bring the thousands of bio-legions ruling over this very timeblock to their knees.

Sarah, please allow me a moment to address my generals.

My dear and near afreets, this is the fault of Gog and Magog. Did I or did I not try to settle this matter with them on the Other Side, in the privacy of our matrices? But defiant they are as ever. You too are yet to grasp the full weight of what I had shared with you. Do you perhaps think what I, with His Majesty’s Will and Leave, had shown you was an illusion? Or maybe you think I’m bluffing?

Generals, as the whole world, Jinns & Inss, bears witness, I ask you the same questions I asked you in private. First, will you finally admit that His Majesty knows best what’s in the Heavens and what’s in the Matrices, and knows best what you yourselves reveal and what you yourselves conceal? Se

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